Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Plea for help: Neville in need

Bunny huggers - a plea from the heart.

My sidekick Neville has had an unfortunate loss, and has been distributing the following around the neighbourhood:

He raised "Carrie" from seed, so is particularly keen to see her return. They had a row on Thursday about how much seasoning to use in watercress soup, but it is still uneaten as Neville has lost his appetite with worry. It's all the worse for him as Lottie his favourite lettuce, drowned in the recent floods that we had. It's more suffering than a small bunny can bear.

Please keep your eyes peeled. Your reward of a bowl of mature watercress soup awaits.




Base Experience said...
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Base Experience said...

Good news, Nev!

Your precious (stop that, no more Gandalfing about) has been sited, but I'm afraid you may need to deprogram her -

Bagged Up and Bleary Eyed?

It's sick, these carrot cults. The louche depravity of it, reclining over a riot barrier!

Good luck, and remember, don't send the Americans in - remember they tend to flambe before they storm the walls...

Our thoughts are with you,

(Carrots Are Really Outwardly Tawdry Information Devices)

Ellie said...

Hopscotch and all three of its readers are on the case!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Um... it wasn't us... ~Fiona & Orlando Bun