Saturday, 12 May 2007

“Changing Burrows" show of shame likely to result in legal action

Entertainment: Reporter Kurt Enkall

Producers of the BunBC makeover TV show Changing Burrows were taking legal advice yesterday as the fallout from their bungled makeover continued.

Grimditch housebunny Glenda Hopplethwaite has taken legal advice and is looking to recover the costs of putting right the damage done to her modest 2-up 2-down burrow near the civic recycling facility in the Lancashire mining town.

Glenda invited the makers of the hit show into her burrow, and swapped keys with estranged neighbour Missy Marple to perform a makeover on the living and dining areas.

What was a slightly dated but entirely usable family area, was converted by long-time show designer Larry Llewellyn-Bunny, into a rococo themed purple and black spa retreat, complete with plunge pools and mirrored ceiling. The intention, according to Llewellyn-Bunny was to be “classic and contemporary, like wearing leg-warmers during a game of Monopoly”.

No, we didn’t know what that meant either.

“It looked like the kind of place you might pick up a venereal disease from sitting down”, spits Hopplethwaite, “and if that puffed up designer is ever within range again I intend to remove any body parts that he could conceivably catch one with…”

The office of the show (currently being considered for a fifth series) gave a written statement: “We deeply regret the current situation, and sympathise with the upset that Ms Hopplethwaite has experienced. The BunBC accept no responsibility whatsoever, and if we ever find the designer in question we’ll be really cross with him. Promise.”

Llewellyn-Bunny was unavailable for comment, and the entrance to his neo-classical bunny retreat in Surrey was being guarded by two large bunnyguards.

If he wasn’t a rabbit, we’d call him a chicken.


1 comment:

Base Experience said...

This wouldn't have happened while carrot smilie was presenting the programme. Larry has always been a flamboyant character but it's fair the spa was a step too far. Has the work been checked to see the proportion of MDF used? expansion could be a problem.

This isn't what I want my BunBC license fee used for either!


Major C Tail KPMG and bar (crawl)