Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Speed dating.. the aftermath

Oh my head…

You have no idea how unwell I have felt today.. and I only have a vague recollection about last night.. ..and what little I remember I’m trying to forget.

I had on a cheeky little Cologne, a glint in my eye, my little black book and a new Biro - wouldn’t want to run out at such a crucial moment. Left the snuff at home as it makes me sneeze..

I paid my fee, and got my glass of punch. It was a secluded field, near the nightclub burrows, and the late evening sun made the lady bunnies look.. ..well.. ..well, they had tattoos. They worked in construction. THEY DUG BURROWS FOR A LIVING.

Neville set me up with a single night for associates of the BUNNY BURROW BUILDER association.

I sat through a couple of rounds, but after a conversations such as:

Me; “How do you do. I’m Rabbit. I like to travel the world and meet people”
Lady bunny; “Hello. I’m Glenda. I dig toilets.”


Me; “So, what was the last book you read?”
Lady bunny, menacingly; “BOOK? Are you trying to start a fight?”
(I ran away apologizing..)

Well, after such deep and meaningful interactions, I had another glass of punch. And then another. And then another. I don’t remember much else…

This morning..?

But I did find a phone number in my book this morning.. ..for someone called Charlie.

Now is that short for Charlotte, or Charles…?

Speed dating?

Never again…



Base Experience said...

Hello rabbit. I noticed your non-google approved product placement and I wondered if you would consider using your last post as an opportunity to advertise our fine product, domestos. it removes carrot chunks 20 percent better than sainsbunnie's own brand.

yours faithfully,

Art Garfunkels-steakhouse
Advertising execute

Rabbit said...

Base, you are obviously a man of many talents, some of them legal.
Indeed there was a "chunk" issue after the events of Tuesday, and residue is still unfortunately apparent.
I will look out for "domestos" next time I'm in Fortnum & Mason's (we have a branch associated with the local garage).
If this meets my rigorous standards, I may consider giving it my seal of approval.
The bigger problem I have is that there are no bunny sized toilet brushes around. Do you know of any?
Meantime I hope no guests come round needing to use the loo..