Tuesday 29 May 2007

Out of burrow message - At concert

(Dictated by Rabbit to a member of his staff)

Sorry Rabbit readers - very excited to be going out to an Elton Dog concert in Battersea; Neville managed to blag a couple of tickets from his promotor chum, and his date dropped out at the last moment. As so often happens, tragedy strikes those around Neville again: She got viciously savaged by a ferret in the foie gras aisle in Waitrose and is recuperating in her burrow. They think the tail might grow back... So sad.

Still, her loss my gain..

Normal service resumes tomorrow. Probably.


1 comment:

Base Experience said...

Isn't he great? He's had so much pain in his life, you could tell in "carrot in the wind" although it was plainly a bit of a sell-out to the floppy eared tennybunnys!

Keep your ear to the ground (but watch out for the feet)

Enid Gunbunny