Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Rabbit Loves...

Rabbit says: "Tired of those yellow tombstones at the front of your mouth? When you talk to ladies, do you say hello and they say o-hell? Whiten your life with this safe* easily applied two step process that will leave you a better bunny, and increase your chances of a little bunny action.**"

* Side effects may include gum bleeding, metallic taste, enamel dissolution, brain haemorrhage and sudden death. Use in proximity to mucous membranes has been shown to result in deposition of product in soft, hard and squishy tissues. Not to be used in region of mouth. All purchases non-refundable. Best of luck and all that.

** The use of this product may or may not increase your chances of copping off with the opposite gender - or the same gender if that's what floats your carrot. You may still remain the sad, desperate verminous animal you were in the first place. Sometimes life can be a bitch, and no overpriced toxic cosmetic product can change that. Tough.


Base Experience said...

rabbit sells out? shurely not...

Rabbit said...

I resent this implication. I endorse only the finest paw-picked products that benefit bunnykind.

If you have anything that I might like to pick by paw in return for a wedge of cash, I'll put you in touch with my agent.